Thursday, December 13, 2007

Viewing TV boost bloodpressure risk for obese children

Obese children who watch a lot of television are more likely to have high blood pressure than heavy children who don't spend as much time in front of the tube, the results of a new study shows.
According to the researchers the psychological stress and eating junk food infront of television may be responsible for rise in blood pressure.
Obese children who watched 2 to 4 hours of TV each day were 2.5 times more likely than their peers who watched less TV to have high blood pressure,researchers found, while kids who watched more than 4 hours daily had more than triple the risk of having high blood pressure.
To investigate this relationship, researchers evaluated 546 children between 4 and 17 years old who were seeking treatment for obesity. Forty-three percent had high blood pressure.
The blood pressure of children is not generally measured but when the child is obese the parents should be careful and should check up the blood pressure to monitor the health regularly.


Liudmila said...

It's strange to hear about high pressure in the children. Butwhen I see the 16-years old boys about 100 kg weight... Oh yes, their pressure has to be high obviously. To maintain this body...

Kathleen Blanchard said...

What a sad statement. We were so busy playing outside, that we sometimes had to be reminded to eat. I remember how happy I was when I reached 100lbs. by age 17! Our TV time was very limited.


ଦେବାଶିଷ said...

Yes katheleen our time was not I think computer age and time is changing so also all.