Friday, January 15, 2010

Is Every Mole Is A Skin Cancer

Numerous cells constitute the human body..Continuous addition and alternation takes place in our cell structure. This alternation occurs in regular manner.. But when the change in the structure is radical and there is development of malignant cells, It is called as cancerous. But growth of skin or visual aspect of a mole is not always skin cancer.Proper laboratory examination of cells in the mole(biopsy) is necessary.

Few points are appended below to know a mole is cancer or not

1-Shape and size of the mole -
Most of the moles are even, and are either round or oval in shape. Since the edges are round we can bend one side to other half.. If the mole is not circular or oval shaped and also unsymmetrical then the cells inside the may be malignant. It require a proper medical examination. But always this condition does not appear. -

2-Growth of the mole-
Abnormal growth of mole become matter of concern to be cancerous cell...Most of the time mole does not change its size but if changes it is a matter of concern.

3- Mole in Children

It is most important to take to consideration the children with more than 100 moles from their birth. This is possible sign of malignant or cancerous cells.. In this case immediate doctor consultation is required. "congenital nevi," or "congenital nevi" or birth marks in children is not presumed as cancerous.

If a new mole emerge or an abonormal change in shape or size is noticed,doctors should be immediately consulted. One should not be moved by the media unless otherwise a full body checkup by the specialist. The peoples having moles exposed to out side should be cautious about direct ultraviolet ray from the sun