Saturday, October 6, 2007

Study:First puff can turn a kid to a smoker

A new study suggests that a single puff of cigarrette may change a kid to be an addicted smoker.
Researchers say almost a third of kids interviewed who tried smoking said their first cigarette brought them a feeling of relaxation -- and two-thirds of those kids went on to become smokers.
Dr. Joseph DiFranza,a professor in Massachusetts stated the dependance
depends on the first cigarrette.
Between 2002 and 2006, the study authors tracked the smoking habits of 217 sixth-graders, averaging 12 years of age, who they recruited from six schools in Massachusetts. Nearly three-quarters of the children were non-Hispanic whites, and all reported having inhaled a cigarette at least once.

Teen smoking is often an early warning sign of future problems. Teens who smoke are three times as likely as nonsmokers to use alcohol, eight times as likely to use marijuana, and 22 times as likely to use cocaine. Smoking is also associated with numerous other high risk behaviors, including fighting and having unprotected sex.
Parents or guardians should be vigilant enough and should track the activities of their children,particularly with the companions.


Joanne said...

It's scary to think so many kids are still smoking these days. Joanne

Tripathy said...

Yes, vigilant watching may solve the problem to some extent. Manfan.

rinaus said...

good one! prepare for my son!