Monday, October 29, 2007

Towards a healthier Heart

There are many people with heart problem. Those are mainly due to their careless living style. Below are some tips to keep our heart healthy and avoid heart disease.
1-walk 30 minutes a day-30 minutes walk a day reduces heart attack possibility to 30 percent
2-Know your blood pressure and do anything to put it in limit of 115/75-In order to keep our blood pressure in limit the best way is to practice a little exercise and reduce our belly fat
3-Eat 30grams of nut everyday-Nuts have healthy omega-3 fatty acids,proteins and some fibre.Those are good for heart. The nuts should be fresh,raw and unsalted.
4-Eat 10 table spoon of tomato sause a week-It contains blood pressure slashing potassium,it should be simple to have best benefit.
5-Clean your teeth everyday.-We should avoid periodental diseases which obstruct the blood flow in arteries.Oral health affect arterial health such as blood flow to heart and sexual organs
6-Eat no more than30 grams of saturated fat a day-Intake of palm oils,ghees should be moderated.
7-Avoid sugar as much as possible-Sugar causes inflammation and morphed in to omentum fat causing heart problems.
8-Occasional drink-One should drink in moderation to avoid inflammation and it is good for artery.
9-Go for fresh fruits and vegetables-Fresh fruits and vegetables contribute towards a healthier heart.

One if obeys 7 tips atleast he/she can have a healthier heart


rinaus said...

My problem is sugar. I have to reduce it.

rinaus said...

My problem is sugar. I have to reduce it.

Shirley said...

Hi Deb
I just had to come by to see what's new. The article about the heart is very good. Diabetics like me have to watch what we eat and learn to take care of our heart because we are at a greater risk than others. Thanks for the article. I visited your health site and it is also very informative.
I have some new recipes for diabetics that will surprise you...Old Fashion Fried Apple pie. You can get it here---> Low Carb Diabetic Recipes

Have a great day