Thursday, September 6, 2007

Obese children in U.S have iron deficiency;Study

According to a new study the obese U.S children suffer iron deficiency. This leads to nature and behaviour problems. This is an alarming news. This is the first time a connection between iron and obesity has been established. Researchers blame junk-food for this evolving problem. Reasearchers added Dietary practices may play an important role since diets high in calories but poor in micronutrients may lead to both iron deficiency and overweight" children. Researchers said iron deficiency affect learning process and behavioural aspects inh child.

The findings were based on a study of 1,641 youngsters aged 1 to 3. Iron deficiency was found in 20 percent of those who were overweight but just 7 percent of those who were not. The researchers advised to avoid snacks and juice for children.

1 comment:

Shirley said...

Great blog...I like the post about the children and iron deficiency. I have added your link to my blog. Thanks for adding mine to yours.

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