Wednesday, August 22, 2007

New vaccacine to be invented to prevent obesity

A common virus caused human adult stem cells to turn into fat cells and could explain why some people become obese, U.S. researchers said.The virus adenovirus-36 or Ad-36, caused animals to pack on the pounds in lab experiments. "These animals accumulated a lot of fat. If this virus is responsible for obesity,a new vacacine needs to be invented as experts said. Obese people were three times more likely to have been infected with Ad-36 than thin people in a large study of humans.
In laboratory it is proved that exposure to Ad-36 virus has transformed the stem-cells of human to fat-cells.
Some people will laugh that viruses are the cause of obesity. They think that overeating is the root cause of obesity . There are multiple causes of obesity. They range from simple overeating to genes to metabolism and perhaps viruses and infections. So some people should not think they have fault to be fat.
Globally, around 400 million people are obese, including 20 million children under age 5, according to WHO ( world health organization)


rinaus said...

good for fat people now!

Unknown said...

I hope this helps for obese people!

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Shirley said...

Nice blog. This may be the answer to diabetes as well as obesity.
Living with Type 2Diabetes